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The Room Posts Hunter of Invisible Game

Fri, 07/25/2014 - 11:14 -- Nick Dager

Final post-production for Hunter of Invisible Game, the new short film from Bruce Springsteen and Thom Zimny, was completed at The Room, the finishing boutique located within Technicolor-PostWorks, New York. The Room’s Ben Murray conformed the film and applied the final color grade, working in collaboration with filmmaker Thom Zimny, who co-directed with Bruce Springsteen.

Drug Trafficking’s Human Toll

Tue, 07/22/2014 - 11:37 -- Nick Dager

Equatorial heat and humidity, sporadic electrical service, and a modest budget were just a few of the challenges that director Josef Wladyka and writer/DP Alan Blanco faced while filming their feature Manos Sucias (Dirty Hands) among the impoverished fishing villages of Colombia’s Pacific coast. Filmed completely on location, Manos Sucias is a drama depicting the perils of two fishermen coerced into towing an underwater narco-torpedo up the Pacific coast of Colombia. They also filmed in the jungle and aboard small boats in rough seas, all while needing to keep a low profile in a dangerous region

Chuck Schultz Takes on Alligators in the Wild

Thu, 07/17/2014 - 15:19 -- Nick Dager

Director of Photography Charles “Chuck” Schultz’ last encounter with wildlife was with a congregation of alligators in one of their more famous stomping grounds, the Myakka River State Park in Sarasota, Florida. Armed with his new AJ-PX270 P2 HD handheld, Schultz captured extensive video that later aired on CBS Sunday Morning’s signature nature segment.

Seeking Funding for Defenders of Life

Tue, 07/15/2014 - 13:42 -- Nick Dager

Defenders of Life is the first fictional portrayal of this indigenous community of Costa Rica. Igor Darbo feels strongly that this story needs to be told. It is the story of the Ngobe people, an indigenous community of Costa Rica, covering their lives, community, culture and struggles. Darbo, a resident of San Jose, Costa Rica's capital, is in the process of making the first fiction feature film with and about the Ngobes.

When Movie Night Goes Wrong

Thu, 07/10/2014 - 15:49 -- Nick Dager

When planning the post-production phase for her film Movie Night, Anne McCarthy turned to Burbank-based AlphaDogs, having worked with them previously. “I now use AlphaDogs exclusively after they were able to fix a problem I had on a past project in just 24 hours. I knew my film would be in good hands and would not have risked taking it anywhere else,” said McCarthy.

Curt Pair Puts Manios Digital & Film’s MD7 to the Test

Tue, 07/08/2014 - 12:21 -- Nick Dager

Manios Digital & Film’s MD7 is a lightweight, 7-inch LED 1080p field monitor that combines an economical price – list is $440 – with a feature set comparable to, and in some cases exceeding, monitors costing several times more. Among the first pros to test drive the MD7 was Curt Pair, a Phoenix-based director of photography and principal of Picture This Productions. Pair, whose credits range from news and documentaries to commercials, corporate media and music videos, conducted camera tests with the monitor at an air show in March. Since then, he’s used it on a pair of real-world assignments: a segment for the Golf Channel series In Play with Jimmy Rogers and a commercial for Ford, all with superb results.


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