
Streamlining an Indie Film's Process

Mon, 08/26/2019 - 13:17 -- Nick Dager

The production of the feature film Brittany Runs a Marathon presented several challenges. The directorial debut of Paul Downs Colaizzo, the film was shot by cinematographer Séamus Tierney, who came to the project late. That was just one of the reasons he was grateful to have the Panavision family of services to back him up, including camera support and Light Iron post-production.

Addressing Yesterday’s Workflow Challenges

Wed, 07/24/2019 - 14:08 -- Sarah Priestnall

Yesterday, the new British musical comedy directed by Danny Boyle, which was released last month following its debut at the Tribeca Film Festival, used as many as twelve cameras for some scenes. This presented some serious workflow challenges. To address them, cinematographer Christopher Ross BSC, who had previously worked with Boyle on the TV series Trust was joined by Mission digital imaging technician Thomas Patrick who had worked with him for the first time on Trust in 2017.

Finding the Available Light

Tue, 07/09/2019 - 13:07 -- Nick Dager

Part Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves, part Goonies on skateboards, director Lije Sarki’s Concrete Kids tells the story of two nine-year-old boys from Venice, California who, for a contest, set off on a mission to cross Los Angeles on skateboards at night to reach the Staples Center by morning. Now streaming on Amazon Prime, the low-budget feature from The Orchard was shot by cinematographer Daron Keet with Panasonic VariCam LTs in available light mainly at night.

The Pefection Demanded Different Looks

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 14:14 -- Nick Dager

The Netflix Film The Perfection, which was shot by cinematographer Vanja Černjul, ASC (The Deuce, Crazy Rich Asians), directed by Richard Shepard (The Matador, Dom Hemingway, Girls), and written by Eric C. Charmelo, Nicole Snyder, and Richard Shepard, follows the story of a troubled musical prodigy who seeks out the new star pupil of her former school with shocking consequences.

Shooting The Enemy Within

Wed, 05/01/2019 - 11:49 -- Nick Dager

Emmy Award-winning cinematographer Frank Prinzi ASC chose Panasonic VariCam 4K cinema cameras to shoot The Enemy Within, a prime-time psychological thriller that recently premiered on NBC. The hour-long show follows the exploits of a former CIA operative serving a life sentence for treason who is freed by the FBI to help track down a dangerous and elusive criminal.

Recreating the Original Star Wars Look

Tue, 03/26/2019 - 13:07 -- Nick Dager

Two visual effects-heavy commercial spots for Disney highlighting the latest Star Wars toys and merchandise benefited from play to the firing of children’s imagination: Choose Your Path focuses on The Last Jedi merchandise, featuring three children playing in an attic bedroom; a boy puts down a Kylo Ren toy, which then comes to life to fight Lego starships, while two of the children duck as a ship speeds past them on the red salt flats of Crait – which then seamlessly turn back into the bedroom with a classic Star Wars wipe. Galaxy Of Adventures features the original Star Wars trilogy and Solo: A Star Wars Story, with more children playing in an attic room, interacting with the toys and merchandise in a series of tableaux reminiscent of scenes from the films.

Digital FilmTree Salutes NCIS: Los Angeles, Notes Many Tech Firsts

Wed, 03/20/2019 - 14:56 -- Nick Dager

Post house DigitalFilm Tree CEO Ramy Katrib congratulated CBS and producers Christopher Molnar and Erik Whitmyre on the 10th season of NCIS: Los Angeles. Katrib said that in nearly 250 episodes DFT has averaged 250-400 effects per show. He thanked producers on NCIS: Los Angeles for giving DFT their trust and allowing them to achieve several technology firsts

Zeiler to Join Arri’s Executive Board

Tue, 03/19/2019 - 12:34 -- Nick Dager

The Supervisory Board of the Arri Group, at its meeting yesterday, decided to appoint a new member to its executive board of the Arri Group which currently consists of Dr. Joerg Pohlman and Dr. Michael Neuhaeuser. Effective April 1 Markus Zeiler, until now head of the business unit lighting at Arri, will join them on the board. His new area of responsibility within the board will be the management of Arri’s global rental business.


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