Featured Stories

Reel FX Hits 4.5 Million Render Jobs Using PipelineFX Qube!

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 14:14 -- Nick Dager

For Reel FX of Dallas, Texas and Santa Monica, California, one tool has helped them manage 4.5 million render jobs in the most efficient way possible. Now in its 11th year of use, PipelineFX’s Qube! plays the guardian role for a production queue riding high on the success of Free Birds and the impending release of the new Guillermo Del Toro-produced feature with 20th Century Fox, The Book of Life.

Rebuilding the World Trade Center

Thu, 09/11/2014 - 12:46 -- Nick Dager

On this, the thirteenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., Rebuilding the World Trade Center, Irish artist and filmmaker Marcus Robinson’s remarkable documentary about the reconstruction of the New York City landmark, makes its U.S. premiere tonight at 6 p.m. on History.

Starmax Cinemas Fulfills the Promise

Wed, 09/03/2014 - 10:54 -- Nick Dager

One of the promises of digital cinema technology was that it would enable new theatres to be built in places that had gone years without a movie house. That promise is has been fulfilled in Vandalia, Illinois where owner Rick Cripe recently opened the Starmax Cinemas and installed one of the first NEC NC1100L 2K laser projectors.

Second Annual Event Cinema Conference to be held October 16

Mon, 09/01/2014 - 12:15 -- Nick Dager

The Event Cinema Association has announced the line up for its second annual conference, taking place October 16 at the recently restored independent cinema, the Genesis in Mile End, East London. Featuring two panel discussions concerning marketing event cinema and a focus on new business models and technology, the conference also has a unique new format, a total of six break out sessions taking place over the course of the day. Sponsors of the conference include DSAT Cinema, LANsat, Rentrak, Philips, DCM and Audience Entertainment.


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