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Enter the Flying Theatre

Mon, 06/21/2021 - 11:30 -- Nick Dager

In the early 1990s, a vast expanse of farmland in central Zhejiang, China, was procured by the Hengdian Group. The goal was to build an expansive film studio and later adding attractions to turn it in a theme park that recreated thousands of years of Chinese history and culture. Today, Hengdian World Studios is known as the largest film studio in the world, spanning over 370 hectares. Hengdian World Studios is always looking to continue to innovate and expand for the 20 million tourists which visit each year. In its latest venture, visitors are plunged into a so-called Flying Theatre, installed inside the Qin Palace set.

Color Me Resilient

Tue, 06/15/2021 - 11:32 -- Nick Dager

Arsenal FX Color provided post-production finishing services for Ferguson Rises, director Mobolaji Olambiwonnu’s inspiring documentary about Ferguson, Missouri which in 2014 became a flashpoint for the civil rights movement after a white police officer was acquitted of criminal charges in the killing of Michael J. Brown, an unarmed black man, sparking days of protest and rage. Says Olambiwonnu, I wanted to provide a counternarrative to the events that took place, one based not on loss, but on hope and resilience.”

Cutting Through the Wireless Clutter

Mon, 06/14/2021 - 10:47 -- Nick Dager

The CBS mega hit S.W.A.T. has always been fast moving—on air and on set. Shot on multiple stages at Santa Clarita Studios and diverse locations throughout the Los Angeles area, the series averages 100 set-ups per day. Giving life to the adrenalin pumping story lines has always been a creative feat for accomplished cinematographer Francis Kenny, ASC (Justified, Heathers, Bruce Beresford’s Bonny & Clyde, New Jack City), and his crew.

Three Amigos Launch IAS

Mon, 06/07/2021 - 13:12 -- Nick Dager

Sound and mastering engineer Fernando Richard, mixing engineer Ivan Markovic and sound designer Francisco Bissone recently teamed up to launch Immersive Audio Solutions in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The studio is designed to offer immersive sound solutions for a wide array of platforms. A Dolby Atmos-approved studio, IAS also has the capabilities of mixing for Sony 360 and Ambisonic formats.

CTC Launches Job Board

Mon, 06/07/2021 - 11:47 -- Nick Dager

The Cinema Technology Community has launched a new job board service to help support the cinema industry as it emerges from the pandemic. The new free-to-use job board aims to provide a conduit to connect organizations from across the globe working in the cinema industry with professionals seeking employment.

Chelsea Mirus Realizes Her Dream

Wed, 06/02/2021 - 11:17 -- Nick Dager

An Adelaide native, Chelsea Mirus trained at Rising Sun Pictures in 2016 while working toward a Media Arts degree from the University of South Australia. Moving quickly into a staff position as a visual effects coordinator at RSP, she worked on a string of high-profile projects including Captain Marvel, Alita: Battle Angel, Thor: Ragnarok and Game of Thrones. Then, in 2019, she accepted a post with Important Looking Pirates, a VFX studio based in Stockholm, Sweden, and moved halfway around the globe to become part of a team attached to such hit shows as The Mandalorian, Westworld, Lost in Space and The Stand.


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