The Big Picture

The Colors of American Dreams in China

Tue, 12/23/2014 - 12:07 -- Nick Dager

American Dreams in China, director Peter Chan's first digital cinema effort, was shot on Arri Alexa and recorded on Codex. Chan’s strong affection for the filmic look determined how the film would be graded and finished in post. Colorist Antonio Zhang of the Chinese facility Post Production Office Group supervised the entire process.

Making Jail Caesar

Sun, 11/23/2014 - 13:26 -- Nick Dager

How does a young man some called “a wastrel” become, at just 33, Julius Caesar, ruler of the known world? For writer, director, producer Paul Schoolman, that question was the genesis of his new film Jail Caesar. Starring Derek Jacobi as Sulia, John Kani as Marius and Alice Krige as the Pirate Captain, the movie is set in three South African prisons and features prisoners in key roles. The film has won several major awards around the world and will be available on Netflix later this year. I spoke via several emails with Schoolman and co-producer Krige, about the long, hard task of bringing Jail Caesar to life.

Inside Bulltiger Productions

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 12:19 -- Nick Dager

As was widely reported last week, a new film studio has opened in North Austin, Texas under the direction of a partnership between Bulltiger Productions and 25 year industry veteran Randall P. Dark. Stephen Brent formed Bulltiger Productions in 2011 to develop film, games, mobile apps and graphic novels. Dark is the founder of HD Vision in New York City and Dallas, a co-founder of HD Vision Studios in Los Angeles. I spoke with Dark to learn more about the new facility.

Making Found Footage 3D

Wed, 11/12/2014 - 14:35 -- Nick Dager

With knowing irony, the filmmakers behind the new independent horror feature Found Footage 3D, call their movie “the Scream of the found footage genre,” and it’s part of the point they’re making. “Of course, shooting a found footage movie in 3D doesn’t make a damn bit of sense,” says Steven DeGennaro, the movie’s writer, director and producer.

What Does the Dolby-Doremi Deal Mean?

Wed, 11/05/2014 - 09:16 -- Nick Dager

As was widely reported earlier this week, Dolby Laboratories has completed its acquisition of Doremi Labs. According to the announcement, the deal advances Dolby's mission to improve the cinema experience, enable new forms of storytelling, and accelerate the delivery and deployment of innovative solutions to exhibitors. I spoke exclusively with Doug Darrow, Dolby’s senior vice president, cinema, to better understand what this deal means.

Muay Thai Madness 4K Ultra HD

Mon, 09/08/2014 - 15:58 -- Nick Dager

Al Caudullo’s documentary Muay Thai Madness is one of the first projects to be shot in 4K Ultra HD. The movie goes inside the Treasurers of Thailand – Mixed Martial Arts, which is the country’s centuries old national sport. Digital Cinema Report interviewed Caudullo via email about his documentary and, in particular, about his experience with 4K Ultra HD.


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