Trade Associations

Report Tracks Budgets of European Feature Films Released in 2019

Thu, 03/17/2022 - 16:22 -- Nick Dager

The median average budget of a European theatrical fiction film released in 2019 was €2.07, according to a new report that tracked the actual budget analysis of 651 European live-action fiction films released in 2019. The largest financing source was clearly direct public funding which contributed 28 percent of the total financing volume, followed by producer investments and broadcaster investments, both of which accounted for 18 percent of total financing. The percentage share of direct public funding in film financing decreases with increasing market size and budget volume.

MPSE Celebrates Movie Sound’s Past and Present

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 10:30 -- Nick Dager

The Motion Picture Sound Editors will draw on the most accomplished sound artists of its past in celebrating the best in sound editing of the present at the 69th Annual MPSE Golden Reel Awards. Five past recipients of the MPSE’s Career Achievement Award will serve as presenters during the Golden Reel Awards ceremony to be held as a fully virtual event on Sunday, March 13th.

SOC Names Camera Operators of the Year

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 09:59 -- Nick Dager

The Society of Camera Operators has announced that the recipients of Camera Operator of the Year in Film are Mitch Dubin, SOC, and B Camera John “Buzz” Moyer, SOC (West Side Story). The recipients of Camera Operator of the Year in Television are Manolo Rojas, SOC, and B Camera Pauline Edwards, SOC (Snowfall, Season 4, Episode 8, Betrayal). The award recipients were celebrated by industry peers and colleagues during a virtual awards ceremony on Saturday, March 5.


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