Ferco Seating Systems has entered into an exclusive agreement to sell Guitammer’s ButtKicker Cinema System in Japan, Hong Kong Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and for select exhibitors in the Middle East. The company also announced that it has sold the system to Legend Cinema in Cambodia
“Being in the cinema business for a long time, I’ve experienced many, if not, all of the motion, 4D and other type of specialty effects seating, but I’ve never experienced the combination of realism, simplicity of use because it works for all and every movie automatically, cost effectiveness and credibility that Guitammer has,” said Tim Barr, Ferco’s CEO.
“We could and have been asked to represent many products and companies, but this is the first one I and the entire team at Ferco are willing to bring to our customer base. Initial interest in the system is good and we expect to do quite well with Guitammer and we are quite pleased that Legend has decided to install the system for 155 seats in Hall 1 of their Exchange Square cinema.”
Guitammer’s Cinema System is deployed by the three largest US exhibitors, AMC, Regal and Cinemark, as part of their Premium Large Format upgrades, in three IMAX theaters, cinemas throughout Mainland China and Hong Kong. In addition, the system is gaining popularity in Europe and in the Middle East with locations in Romania and Qatar slated to open later this year.
The Guitammer Company www.guitammer.com
Ferco Seating www.fercoseating.com