Edda Kino Installs Atom Seating

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Thu, 06/13/2024 - 08:22 -- Nick Dager

Atom Seating has successfully completed Phase 1 of Edda Kino's renovation project. This phase introduces 102 and 116 premiere seats in Audi 6 and 7, respectively, provided by Atom Seating. These seats include Gliders, VIP Recliners and Day-Beds.

Atom Seating has successfully completed Phase 1 of Edda Kino's renovation project. This phase introduces 102 and 116 premiere seats in Audi 6 and 7, respectively, provided by Atom Seating. These seats include Gliders, VIP Recliners and Day-Beds.Edda Kino serves as a prime example of the extensive customization capabilities offered by Atom Seating. Audi 6 houses standard VIP recliners in varied love seat and double arm configurations.

Similarly, Audi 7 is now home to an array of recliners, gliders and day-bed options, with recliners available in love seat and double arm designs, featuring a mix of faux leather and polyester.

Each seat is equipped with embroidered seat numbers, neo tray tables, auto return function, safety features, and weight sensors. Patrons can immerse themslves in unparalleled comfort and luxury at Edda Kino.

Edda Kino is the largest cinema in Haugalandet, Norway, with a seating capacity of 896.