PVR Inox has reopened the iconic Paras Cinema at Nehru Place in Delhi. This launch marks the opening of the fifth Imax in Delhi and the second standalone Imax theatre in India featuring Imax with laser technology and multi-channel sound system exclusive to Imax theatres.
With this opening, the new cinema will augment its foothold in New Delhi to a total of 27 cinemas across 108 screens and consolidates its presence in North India with a total of 457 screens in 103 properties.
Ajay Bijli, managing director, PVR Inox Limited said, “It is a proud moment for us to finally re-open one of the finest iconic properties in South Delhi, Paras Cinema right in the heart of south Delhi after a gap of 15 years.
“This opening also marks the launch of the second standalone Imax theatre in India, after Priya. We are happy that we were able to play our part in remodeling one of the largest single screen theatres in Delhi into a modern- day truly immersive cinematic experience like Imax living up to the expectations of today’s insightful audience.’’
The property has been revamped befitting modern cinema standards aimed at offering a distinguished movie-viewing experience to the capital’s movie enthusiasts. With a visually dazzling interior, the new cinema is a blend of modernity with classic charm exuding luxury and style.
Additionally, the concessionaire area takes center stage with live cooking where patrons can enjoy the diverse menu.