Arts Alliance Media, together with their Chinese reseller Beijing Cserv, today announced that Jackie Chan Cinemas is centralizing all their operations using AAM’s enterprise Theatre Management System Producer.
Jackie Chan Cinemas’ rapid expansion in China, from just over 200 screens in 2015 to more than 600 screens this year, exposed their need for greater oversight of their operations from a central point. In order to continue growing sustainably, they will use Producer to standardize their operations and minimize the burden of daily operational tasks on site staff.
Producer empowers their head-office in Beijing with full visibility and control over their entire estate’s content and screenings. The centralized team can now automate playlist and schedule building, playback, and KDM delivery, for all of their screens across China. These monitoring and management tools will effectively turn cinema operations into something that happens in the background for site staff.
Patrick Zhao, CEO at Jackie Chan Cinemas said, “We are continuing to grow at such a pace that we will have over 800 screens by 2018. Producer gives us the oversight and tools we need to add screens to our circuit without duplicating the amount of content management work needed, so our staff can stay focused on providing innovative audience experiences.”
Jackie Chan Cinemas has been using AAM’s TMS, Screenwriter, to manage content, playlists and scheduling on all of their screens since 2015. Upgrading to Producer extends and centralizes that functionality, providing Jackie Chan Cinemas with improved control and visibility across their circuit’s operations. AAM will deploy Producer together with Beijing Cserv, one of AAM’s strongest technical partners in China, in order to provide a seamless user experience.
Producer is designed to control and monitor the status of all the sites in a circuit, highlighting any upcoming issues for proactive resolution. In addition to saving site staff time, managing content and pre-show packs remotely reduces the possibility of human error.
John Aalbers, CEO of Arts Alliance Media said, “Jackie Chan Cinemas value the quality of their scheduling as one of their strongest selling points, so it was vital that, no matter how many sites they added, they could maintain tight control. Through centralization, they can continue to grow and deliver on their promises to their customers, without worrying about needing technical specialists at each site. We are delighted to provide them all the benefits of an automated, centralized circuit so they can keep expanding for years to come.”
Arts Alliance Media