GDC Technology Limited announced today that by the end of 2023, its Cinema Automation CA2.0 had been deployed in nearly 400 multiplexes with its SR-1000 IMB integrated media block in 19 countries across four continents including Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. GDC is showcasing its Cinema Automation CA2.0 at CinemaCon 2024, which runs through April 11.
The company says the revolutionary GDC Cinema Automation CA2.0 is the first centralized solution to provide comprehensive automated management of content storage and playback, show scheduling, power supplies to cinema equipment and screening quality – providing exhibitors the complete solution to save labor, time, energy and cost. GDC CA2.0 incorporates the SCL Series centralized playback servers capable of streaming DCP content to the ultra-reliable SR-1000 IMB to as many as 30 screens.
The SCL-series servers, which are designed with scalability and reliability in mind, offer each auditorium access to a wide assortment of movies from a centralized server without the need for local storage attached to every media server. The SCL-series servers feature the capability to customize the storage based on the number of screens (from 4 to 30) and the number of movie titles (up to a few thousand digital cinema packages) to be stored and streamed to all the auditoriums. With the storage capacity increased by over 100 times when compared to the traditional method, the SCL-series servers, when integrated with CA2.0, streamline content management and leverages machine intelligence to increase efficiency while dramatically reducing the need for human intervention.
The SCL Series centralized servers is truly a game-changer in that it is the world’s first solution for cinemas that is capable of playback of thousands of movies to as many as 30 screens from a centralized server, greatly increasing programming flexibility and eliminating the need for local storage.
“CA2.0 aims to provide highly automated solutions for the cinema operators, especially with many DCPs to manage. We constantly listen to our customers to better understand their evolving needs as the industry changes,” said Dr. Man-Nang Chong, founder and CEO of GDC Technology Limited. “With CA2.0 central server, content such as screen advertisements and DCP movies can now be stored in a central location, and no longer need to be loaded to the individual auditoriums, significantly improving the operation efficiency of a cinema multiplex.”