GDC Technology Limited has completed integration with Deluxe to automate the retrieval and delivery of key delivery messages to GDC’s TMS-2000 theatre management system, representing a major step towards fully automated management of booth operations.
KDMs are unique security keys issued by service providers of motion picture content on behalf of studios/content owners to enable the playback of the content. TMS-2000 customers will now have access to GDC’s newly developed automated KDM delivery feature that allows KDMs to be generated and delivered from distributor booking systems directly to the TMS-2000; with confirmed proof of delivery.
This new automated solution offers a significant advancement in responsiveness, accuracy, and reliability, and is made possible through a direct integration between Deluxe’s worldwide booking management systems and GDC’s TMS-2000. TMS-2000 is a flexible software solution that works with all major brands of digital cinema equipment. TMS-2000 is not bundled with any particular hardware and it can run on the majority of Microsoft Windows platforms.
Since the introduction of digital cinema, KDMs are required to unlock digital cinema content, but the process for their creation and delivery can be burdensome for theatre owners. KDMs are often distributed over email and physical media and without any confirmation of successful delivery.
Such manually managed process sometime results in delivery of wrong KDMs, security exposures and dark screens. A secured link between each TMS-2000 and GDC’s Cloud service allows safe and accurate transfer of KDMs to cinemas. Once received, the TMS-2000 is able to manage the ingest of KDMs to the right media servers. At all stages, until successful ingest, the delivery will be fully tracked thereby allowing Deluxe to provide definitive proof of delivery to their customers.
“Through the partnership with Deluxe, GDC’s theatre management system has the capability to automate global TDL management with reliable automated KDM retrieval and delivery. Fully automating KDM delivery makes KDM management seamless and one thing less for our customers to worry about in their daily operations,” said Pranay Kumar, CTO for GDC Technology Limited.