Cielo has launched Cielo 6.0, an update that the company says introduces a fresh and enhanced user interface, redefining the cinema platform experience for exhibitors worldwide.
Cielo 6.0 has been meticulously crafted and tested with clients, incorporating their invaluable feedback and insights to deliver a refined and powerful platform ensuring that it delivers a performance worthy of a standing ovation.
“Cielo 6.0 marks the debut of our new Unity design language, designed to create a cohesive and seamless experience across all Cielo products,” said Rick Cabrera, Cielo’s vice president of product management & technology. “This unified approach not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also improves the overall customer experience.”
With fast page responsiveness and loading times, he says Cielo 6.0 sets the stage for seamless cinema management. Exhibitors will be delighted with the auto-refreshed/live-updating widgets and comprehensive reporting features, offering a backstage pass to real-time insights into their operations.
In addition to performance enhancements, Cielo 6.0 introduces a cast of visually stunning dashboards and graphics, transforming raw data into captivating visuals that leap off the screen. With these dynamic tools at their fingertips, exhibitors can easily interpret and leverage the wealth of information available to them.
"We're thrilled to introduce our latest Cielo version, meticulously crafted to provide clients with an enhanced, intuitive platform for seamless navigation through sites and alerts,” said Rafael Garzon, Cielo’s vice president of customer growth. “This iteration will empower clients to effortlessly become more proactive, ensuring smooth management and swift responses."
Cielo 6.0 version has already been previewed to select clients in recent months, receiving positive feedback. All Cielo clients will receive an immediate upgrade to the new platform, ensuring a seamless transition and uninterrupted access to its advanced features.