Industry Analysis

What ASC’s Cinema Display Evaluation Means

Wed, 09/14/2016 - 11:03 -- Michael Karagos...

The American Society of Cinematography’s Cinema Display Evaluation Plan & Test Protocol is a key step towards establishing goals for an enhanced cinema experience. It was developed by the ASC’s Next Generation Cinema Display technology subcommittee in response to the emergence of new cinema technologies, and the resulting need for guidance among exhibitors, distributors, and technology providers. As co-chairs of the NGCD committee, we would like to take this opportunity to provide some background and the anticipated direction for this work.

Breaking the Blockbuster Code

Fri, 03/11/2016 - 12:23 -- Nick Dager

As tent pole movies and opening weekend box office results increasingly dominate the motion picture business, understanding just who pays to see those movies has never been more important. In a whitepaper released this week, Movio chief executive and co-founder Will Palmer said the realities of a tent pole audience can be quite different from conventional wisdom. In Breaking the Blockbuster Code: Audience Evolution Patterns Revealed, Movio’s data scientists challenged the Hollywood film marketing community to re-think who makes up the opening weekend of a blockbuster film.

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