
Travis Reid Leaves Screenvision

Mon, 05/18/2015 - 11:36 -- Nick Dager

On Friday after the stock market had closed Screenvision announced that Travis Reid is stepping down from his position as CEO as a result of a personal decision to return home to California and pursue an undisclosed new career opportunity. The decision came just days after Screenvision’s successful Upfront event for advertisers.

Motion Picture Solutions Names Howard Kiedaisch CEO

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 13:06 -- Nick Dager

Howard KiedaischMotion Picture Solutions has named Howard Kiedaisch CEO and chairman of the MPS Group. Kiedaisch takes up the role on May 1 after serving in a number of senior leadership positions in the international film industry. He joins the company after nine years as CEO of Arts Alliance Media; prior to that, he was CFO for Universal Pictures International.

British Comedy Director Nick Jones Joins Original

Wed, 04/01/2015 - 12:26 -- Nick Dager

Original has reached out to London to sign one of the UK’s top commercial comedy directors. Nick Jones has directed funny spots for eHarmony, Sony PlayStation, AT&T, Mercedes, Walmart, McDonald’s, Kia, Heineken and scores of other brands. Original will represent him exclusively for advertising projects in the United States.

Motion Picture Sound Editors Elects Board of Directors

Wed, 04/01/2015 - 12:17 -- Nick Dager

The Motion Picture Sound Editors has announced the results of its annual Board of Directors election. Elected to two-year terms in Executive Seats are Jeremy J. Gordon as Sergeant-at-Arms, Paul Rodriguez as Treasurer and Mark Lanza as Vice President. They join continuing offices Frank Morrone (President) and Christopher Reeves (Secretary). Lanza and Rodriguez were incumbents.


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