The World Copyright Summit: New Frontiers for Creators in the Marketplace will be held June 9-10 at the Ronald Reagan Center in Washington DC. The event will provide a series of keynotes Q&As role plays and discussions that are designed to show what’s in store for the future in terms of the digital evolution the new modus operandi between technology and content companies and rights owners the role of rights societies new means of distribution and new business scenarios. Under the aegis of CISAC president Robin Gibb of Bee Gees fame and vice president Alfonso Cuarón award-winning filmmaker several leading artists from various repertoires will join each panel discussion to express what they expect from the world of business and politics. They will also officially launch a Declaration that will collect together all their ideas regarding the future of creative works and their wishes about how creative works should be treated. There will also be sessions identifying the new revenue streams and new ways of financing the creative works of tomorrow. Here are some of the highlights of the event” Whose Right is it? A one-to-one debate between representatives of the manufacturers of electronic equipment Gary Shapiro (Consumer Electronics Association) and of rights-owners David Israelite (National Music Publishers Association) promises to be as exciting as the 2007 debate between Prof. Lawrence Lessig founder of Creative Commons and Brett Cottle Chair of CISAC Board of Directors and CEO of the Australian copyright society APRA. The Global Climate for Copyright Harmonization and Protection At a time when more and more copyright issues require global answers IP law experts will analyze the disharmony and potential for greater cooperation between the different copyright systems around the world. ISPs/Telcos: Part of the Problem or the Solution? Voices in many countries are asking for ISPs and telcos to be more pro-active alongside rights owners to find a solution to the vast amount of uncontrolled illegitimate material available through the net. There are also those who believe that ISPs should accept that content contributes to the success and the value of their services and that they should therefore share some of this success with the creative community. Executives from both sides will offer their views and discuss scenarios for the future relationship between rights owners and ISPs in what promises to be one of the hottest debates of the Summit. The US Agenda As a new administration takes over the White House and a new Congress starts work what is the country's agenda in the fields of copyright and intellectual property? What are the expectations of rights owners and content users? And is this agenda in synch with the rest of the world? An opportunity to discuss topics such as orphan works performers' rights CRB decisions and other issues. In addition tailored break out sessions will address a variety of issues such as: European Multi-territorial Licensing Two years after the inaugural Summit in Brussels has the European landscape fundamentally changed? What are the new schemes in place and has pan-European licensing been simplified at all? How does it impact creators publishers author's societies and content users and with cultural financial and traditional barriers in place will it ever become a reality? Resale Right’s Expansion In the European Union and in a growing number of territories visual artists now benefit from the re-sale right which gives them a share of the resale value of their works. A panel of specialists from visual arts societies art galleries auction houses arts foundations and creators debate the pros and cons of the re-sale right. The session will be preceded by an exclusive report about the impact of the re-sale right in the UK. Rights Management Information’s Benefits to Your Business Can modern rights management information systems improve business conditions for media content service providers rights owners and copyright societies? This session will explain why the RMI architecture proper monitoring tools authoritative worldwide databases and interoperability of identifiers are crucial to the digital business. World Copyright Summit