Qube Cinema has announced the full compatibility of the QubeMaster Xport plug-in with Apple Compressor 4. With QubeMaster Xport and Apple's $49 rendering utility filmmakers post-production facilities and pre-show content creators can reliably and cost-effectively master Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) for film festivals and theatrical distribution. Rather than requiring the whole Final Cut Suite anyone with a Mac can now master their digital cinema content regardless of what editing application they use says Eric Bergez director of sales and marketing at Qube Cinema. Compressor 4 is a great application and we highly recommend it to our customers. Creating flawless DCPs is technically complex and used to require expensive equipment which only the big players could afford says Bergez. QubeMaster Xport simplifies the process removes the cost hurdle and levels the playing field for everyone. Our goal is to empower the small post house or independent filmmaker and provide them with the tools to distribute their stories he says. The Digital Cinema Package format is quickly becoming the standard for exhibition and film festivals. With Compressor 4 and QubeMaster Xport production companies documentary makers postproduction facilities and even film students can now master their own DCP's for the cost of a couple of film prints. Compressor 4 is sold as a stand-alone application online at the Apple App Store. QubeMaster Xport also works with Compressor 3.5 a component of the Final Cut Suite. QubeMaster Xport is available for download and purchase at http://www.qubecinema.com/products/xport. QubeMaster Xport 2K retails for $799. 3D and 4K modules can be added and combined for $999 per module.