DreamWorks Animation’s action-comedy franchise, Kung Fu Panda 4, in theatres now, is the latest film to be presented in the TrueCut Motion format, bringing to life the world of Po, the Dragon Warrior, like never before.
This, the first new Kung Fu Panda film in almost a decade is being shown in cinematic high frame rate, achieving dramatically clear motion playback on the brightest, exceptional high-contrast, high-quality 3D and 2D screens that naturally enhance the look and the feel of the world of the film.
TrueCut Motion is an award-winning technology breakthrough that provides filmmakers with an extended palette of motion looks that has never been possible before. The TrueCut Motion platform allows filmmakers to fine-tune or enhance the motion look of all the action, shot by shot, in post-production, while keeping the intended cinematic look and feel intact.
The TrueCut Motion platform then ensures that these creative choices are delivered consistently across every screen and optimized on any viewing device — spanning theaters, televisions, mobile and next-generation headsets — in both 3D and standard 2D environments.
Pixelworks and TrueCut Motion are trademarks of Pixelworks, Inc.
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