AJA Video Systems has launched #TryCion, a new promotion seeding 100 Cion cameras with qualified shooters. This new program, currently only available in North America, provides filmmakers, cinematographers and camera operators with easy access to Cion to see and experience the camera first hand in production.
"AJA is known for its generosity to customers with our support, return and warranty programs, and as a private, diverse company we can make bold moves to show the community that we’re very committed to the professional camera market," said Nick Rashby, President, AJA Video Systems. "We've invested heavily in building out a special try-and-buy loaner pool of Cion cameras that we’re making available so that any interested shooters can experience this camera and the incredible film-like beauty of these images for themselves before committing to a purchase."
#TryCion kicks off today, and will run through the end of summer 2015. Cameras are being made available on loan to qualifying applicants. Additional AJA Cion accessories are also included with the loan program. Individuals interested in the program can apply online here:https://www.aja.com/trycion