AJA Video Systems today launched the Summer of Savings promotion, reducing pricing for the Cion production camera, Ki Pro Quad, Ki Pro Mini and Ki Pro recorders. The price for Cion is now $4995, which reflects a $4000 price reduction.
Ki Pro Quad is now $2995, Ki Pro Mini is $1495, Ki Pro is $2495, and Ki Pro ND is $2295. AJA customers who purchased the Cion production camera before May 26, 2015 will receive two AJA Pak 512 SSDs for free, directly from AJA (valued at $2495).
“Cion already offers so much in terms of cinematic image quality, functionality, workflow flexibility, and with this new lower price we’re completely removing the barrier to entry for so many in the indie and commercial filmmaking market,” said Nick Rashby, president, AJA Video Systems. “Our Ki Pro products were the first to deliver hardware ProRes recording in a portable device, and this price promotion is designed to get this proven performance into even more customer’s hands.”
AJA's Summer of Savings begins today through the end of summer 2015. Current Cion owners can submit their request for the free Pak media drives to [email protected].
AJA Video Systems www.aja.com