Distribution & Exhibition

Netflix Experiments with Pricing to Combat Account Sharing

Tue, 04/19/2022 - 09:18 -- Eleanor Patterson

Streaming service giant Netflix is experimenting with its pricing policies in a handful of countries in response to high rates of account sharing. Eleanor Patterson, assistant professor of media studies in the College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University, explains what this experiment means for U.S. account sharing and the future of streaming platforms.

Who Owns an Indie Film?

Mon, 04/18/2022 - 16:21 -- Nick Dager

Making a successful feature film is one of the most difficult things there is to do. Having adequate financing in place is just part of the challenge. Several other elements are just as critical including a good script, a talented cast and crew, a laundry list of sophisticated technology, decent weather, and a lot of luck. With a completed feature film in hand, a filmmaker still must find a company that shares a passion for that film and will agree to distribute it properly. For many successful independent filmmakers, that is where their job ends. But should it end there?


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