
Christie to Install World’s First Commercial Digital Cinema Laser Projector in Seattle

Wed, 08/21/2013 - 13:42 -- Nick Dager

The Seattle Cinerama Theatre, in Seattle, Washington has purchased the world’s first commercial digital laser projection system. Christie, who recently received the first US FDA approval of variance allowing the sale of laser projectors for use in a cinema, will install a 4K Christie digital laser projector, with scalable light output up to 60,000 lumens.

Christie, Reading Announce Long-Term VPF Deal for Australia, New Zealand

Wed, 07/24/2013 - 12:37 -- Nick Dager

Christie Digital Cinema today co-announced with Reading International that a long-term virtual print fee deployment agreement had been signed with the Australian and New Zealand subsidiaries of Reading, which will provide for the digital conversion of all of Reading Cinemas screens in those two countries.

Scrabble Helps Houston’s Viva Cinema Converts to Digital Cinema

Thu, 07/18/2013 - 14:54 -- Nick Dager

Scrabble Ventures continues to roll out digital cinema projection systems under its lease-to-own digital conversion program. Viva Cinema in Houston, Texas has come on board with the latest conversion of their eight-screen complex. “This is an affordable way for a small independent theatre to go digital,” says Art Seago, COO, Viva Cinema.


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