
Avengers: Infinity War Sets 4DX Records

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 11:55 -- Nick Dager

According to CJ 4DPlex, the new film Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War has been seen in the 4DX immersive seating format by more than two million people across 59 countries. This breaks the record for highest-attendance 4DX film to date. The milestone also makes Avengers: Infinity War the most successful film released in the format, surpassing the previous record holder, 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Helios and Matheson Analytics Launches MoviePass Films

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 13:10 -- Nick Dager

Helios and Matheson Analytics has formed MoviePass Films with Emmett Furla Oasis Films. Helios owns 51 percent and EFO Films 49 percent of the new company. MoviePass Films will focus on studio-driven content and new film production for theatrical release and other distribution channels. At the same time Helios announced that EFO Films has granted Helios the exclusive option to acquire the entire film library and current production slate of EFO Films.

Ymagis Group Reports First-Quarter 2018 Revenue

Mon, 05/14/2018 - 12:38 -- Nick Dager

Ymagis Group today reported its consolidated financial results for the first quarter of 2018, ending March 31. Revenue for Ymagis Group fell by 5.4 percent to €39.3 million during the first three months of 2018 due to the anticipated acceleration in the decline of virtual print fee activities. This is partly offset by the growth in service activities (+4.1 percent at €25.6 million).

Fandango Ticketing Now Available on Instagram

Tue, 05/08/2018 - 12:14 -- Nick Dager

A new Buy Tickets button is now available on Fandango’s Instagram profile, providing movie fans seamless access to show times and ticketing at more than 30,000 screens nationwide. This is in addition to the Shop button, connecting to movie merchandise and ticketing offers, including movie poster and collectible gifts-with-purchase available to Fandango ticket buyers through shopping on Instagram. Fandango ticketing will also roll out on movie-specific Instagram destinations in the coming weeks.

Fandango Launches Voice-Activated Ticket-Buying Capability via Google Assistant

Mon, 05/07/2018 - 10:57 -- Nick Dager

Online ticket sales company Fandango has launched an action on the Google Assistant that lets users purchase movie tickets using just their voice. Users can purchase tickets on any compatible device with the Google Assistant, including smart speakers like the Google Home, Android phones, televisions, headphones and more. Fandango ticketing is scheduled to launch on the Google Assistant for iOS devices by the end of the year.

GDC Installs First Fully Automated Cinema

Sat, 04/28/2018 - 14:45 -- Nick Dager

China Film Cinema Da Guang Road in Nanjing has become the first cinema in China to operate the projection booth with no human intervention by using GDC Technology’s Cinema Automation 2.0, which is designed to fully automated workflow. The multiplex has been running for three months with zero incidents reported, providing significant increase in operation efficiency.


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