Production & Post-Production

Making Killer Heat

Mon, 11/18/2024 - 10:58 -- Nick Dager

The feature Killer Heat unfolds in the wake of a treacherous love triangle involving twin brothers on an exclusive Greek island. The secretive investigation that follows falls to a visiting detective known as the Jealousy Man, portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Director Philippe Lacôte teamed with BAFTA Award-winning cinematographer Andrew Dunn, BSC, and together they crafted a cinematic language that bridges the story’s multiple cultures.

Göteborg Film Festival 2025: Disobedience in Focus

Mon, 11/18/2024 - 10:41 -- Nick Dager

In 2025, defiance will be brought sharply into focus at the Göteborg Film Festival. Under the heading Focus: Disobedience, the power of civil resistance will be explored, as well as questions like: when does rebellion become a moral obligation? When can it go too far? And is the flouting of laws and regulations a reasonable price to pay for change in a democratic society?

More Than Half of Media Companies Struggle with Automation, System Connectivity

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 09:03 -- Nick Dager

Mediageniz, a Brussels-based provider of smart content solutions, has published this year’s M-Connect Survey results. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the media industry's current state of maturity in three critical areas: data-driven decision-making, automation, and system connectivity. It highlighted that 55 percent of media organizations are still in the early stages of effectively integrating these strategies.

Hollywood Professional Association Names 2024 Award Winners

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 08:58 -- Nick Dager

The Hollywood Professional Association held its annual awards ceremony at the Television Academy’s Wolf Theatre last week, honoring trailblazing talent in the post-production industry, celebrating standout achievements in color grading, sound, editing, restoration, and visual effects across theatrical features, commercials, and episodic television.

Creating the Look of A Family Affair

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 08:49 -- Nick Dager

“This story highlights main characters from three different generations,” says director Richard Lagravenese of his new feature A Family Affair. Now streaming on Netflix, the movie follows Zara Ford (played by Joey King), who works thanklessly as the assistant to self-absorbed movie star Chris Cole (Zac Efron) — who, in turn, ends up falling for Zara’s widowed mother, Brooke Harwood (Nicole Kidman), with comic consequences for all.

Canon Announces Firmware Updates for Several Cinema Cameras

Thu, 11/07/2024 - 08:36 -- Nick Dager

Canon U.S.A. has announced a variety of firmware updates for key models in its Cinema EOS and professional camcorder line of cameras, including enabling connectivity to’s Camera to Cloud ecosystem in select cameras. Also, Version 1.2 of the Canon Multi-Camera Control App for iPhone and iPad will be available from the App Store. All updates are a direct result of customer feedback and will be available through free downloads in December.


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