Entertainment Globalization Association

Globalization, Localization and the EGA

Mon, 12/07/2020 - 11:07 -- Nick Dager

Last month, ten founding companies and 50 forming companies announced the formation of the Entertainment Globalization Association to create a closer connection to the creative community to better facilitate the retelling of their stories for global audiences. Globalization is defined as dubbing, subtitling, and audio description services, which allow content to be consumed in languages other than the original version. The EGA’s ten founding companies are Audiomaster Candiani, Deluxe, Hiventy, Iyuno Media Group, Keywords Studios, Plint, SDI Media, Visual Data Media Services, VSI, and Zoo Digital. The additional 50 companies represent high caliber service providers from all around the world. Chris Fetner was named managing director of the association

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