The premiere of the feature film documentary Greenwood Ave Project will be held February 27 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The film, directed by Terry Baccus, sheds a light on the Tulsa community after the 1921 massacre in which hundreds of Black-owned homes and businesses were destroyed and many Black people were displaced or slaughtered.
Executive producer Karen Reese said, “Our project is valuable because it tells the stories of people from the Greenwood community after the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, portraying all the layers of the realities of effects birthed from this horrific turn of events suffered by the Black people that were living in Tulsa during that time and for years to come.”
The screening will take place at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa.
Reese said the film will help educate the thousands of people that never knew about the massacre, while showing them the aftermath and what has been going on in the Greenwood section of Tulsa since the rebuilding process began in 1925.
Click here for more information about the film and filmmakers and to order tickets to the premiere