UK satellite company Quantum Digital will broadcast live via satellite a special presentation in July from London featuring key industry professionals designed for cinema owners and distributors to understand how satellite technology is becoming increasingly adopted and how best to utilize it. The broadcast will be available to satellite-equipped UK cinemas free-to-air as an industry awareness initiative. Anyone who is on-screen with a movie during the broadcast can watch via a TV. A special DVD of the presentation will also be made available including an Information Pack. The program will also be made available on YouTube. Despite having the most widely deployed satellite system in the UK with close to 100 cinemas equipped with professional 1.2m dishes the presentation will take an impartial agnostic view and explain what considerations need to be made even if taking a system and transmission from another provider. Quantum’s Marc John says “It won’t be an advert. It doesn’t matter who you buy kit from everything’s interoperable. There are still fundamentals that need to be understood. Broadcasts sometimes run on systems supplied by Quantum without us being involved in the transmission so it’s a general refresher as well as a heads-up for managers about a few things particularly how to get ready for DCP delivery via satellite. I take so many calls. A nationwide link seemed practical especially as live questions can be taken via SMS.” “Managers and projectionists play a big role in the success of this ” says John. “They discover things that not even the best manuals in the world can tell you. And no matter how much anyone knows about satellite we still rely on local know-how when it comes to digital era sound and projection. The exchange of information around the country has been priceless since the satellite network launched in 2006.” The educational Satellite Education Programs will be annual broadcasts with a supplementary YouTube series – the first of its kind – to launch over the summer to include video diaries of satellite site surveys and installations taking place interviews with cinema managers and projectionists along with in-depth projection room coverage showing how live and DCP content delivered via satellite is interfaced within the digital cinema set-up. Twitter will also be utilized to ensure the widest possible networking of information and dialogue.