QSC has announced a Q-SYS plugin that allows users to discover and control Christie Series 2 digital cinema projectors within the QSC Ecosystem. The new plugin enables automated functionality within Q-SYS. The plugin mirrors what is displayed on the projector touch panel, including channel, power, lamp, douser, test pattern, and lens adjustments, along with key status indicators.
“Christie is pleased that QSC has added support for the Christie Series 2 cinema projectors to Q-SYS designer asset manager," says Allan Fernandes, director product management, cinema, Christie. "The ease of integration into the Q-SYS Ecosystem allows cinema technicians to easily control and monitor cinemas, saving time and money."
“The new Christie plugin for Q-SYS-enabled cinemas is the latest in a series of plugins that will expand the scope of what Q-SYS can do to streamline operations in a multiplex,” says Barry Ferrell, head of cinema product development, QSC. “Cinema technicians will be able to use one UCI to control the audio, projector, and media server within a theatre, making remote control and management as easy as the push of a button.”
The Q-SYS Christie plugin is now available via the Q-SYS designer asset manager, a cloud-based feature that allows system designers to quickly and easily download and install new Q-SYS plugins for third-party devices, without waiting for new Q-SYS Designer Software releases.
QSC www.qsc.com