Panasonic has added five camera kit packages for the VariCam LT Super 35mm Cinema Camera with the addition of the ProEX-B512 package.
It features the completely accessorized camcorder along with two AU-XP0512BG expressP2 memory cards and an AU-XPD1 expressP2 Card Reader. The 512GB expressP2 cards can record approximately 180 minutes of continuous 4K material at 24fps in the AVC-Intra4K422 codec.
The company also announced a free firmware upgrade for the VariCam LT with several significant benefits: improving the interface of Audio Level adjustment, updating available EF mount lenses, and adding these functions: Surround View for VF, 24.00p for LongG6 proxy recording, the beep sound that is provided with the REC button is pressed, SD card recording of CDL/LUT, 1080p in AVC-Intra100 recording, and1080/60i, 50i for ProRes HQ recording.
The new firmware upgrade is immediately available for downloading at
Additionally, now through September 30, Panasonic is offering zero percent financing for two years on the VariCam LT.
All five VariCam LT packages are currently available for purchase. The VariCam LT, suggested list price $18,000, is a basic camera kit including the camera body, top handle, control panel and control panel mounting bracket. The VariCam LT-VF package, suggested list price $23,700, contains the basic kit plus the AU-VCVF10 OLED Viewfinder. The VariCam LT-PRO, suggested list price $27,550, includes the camera body with basic kit accessories, AU-VCVF10G viewfinder, shoulder mount, operating grip and PL lens mount. The VariCam LT-PROEX, suggested list price $30,200, includes all of the contents of the VariCam LT-PRO package (camera kit, viewfinder, shoulder mount, operating grip and PL mount) plus two 256GB expressP2 cards and an expressP2 drive.
The VariCam LT- PROEX-B512 contains all the contents of the VariCam LT-PROEX package, but with two 512GB expressP2 cards vs. two 256GB cards. Its suggested list price is $31,600.
Panasonic VariCam LT 4K