Miraj Cinemas has opened its sixth property in Gujarat. The exhibitor says it is the first multiplex in the diamond city of India, Surat. Located on the third floor of KSB Olympia in Bamroli, the newly launched five-screen multiplex boasts 930 seats, including 51 recliners, 3D-equipped premium screens, and a luxurious lobby. Designed with the local diamond market in mind, the lobby features a stunning diamond-shaped chandelier, adding to the cinema’s opulence.
The interior is designed to provide a sense of luxury and comfort, with plush seating, Dolby Surround 7.1 sound systems, 2K projection systems, and an elegant aesthetic designed to set it apart from other cinemas in the area.
The new multiplex is equipped with Chef Corner, where patrons can enjoy delicious, made-to-order food prepared right before their eyes by in-house chefs in a live kitchen. Chef Corner focuses on fresh ingredients and offers a range of tasty dishes to satisfy all palates. In addition, customers can indulge in various cuisines, including local specialties and international flavors, with pure vegetarian and gluten-free options available.
Amit Sharma, managing director, Miraj Entertainment, said, “Amidst great jubilation, Miraj Entertainment Ltd. has amplified its presence in Gujarat with the inauguration of its 6th property, elevating the total count to an astounding 26 screens in the state. The city of Surat is now graced with Miraj’s cinematic expertise as we made our debut at the opulent KSB Olympia today. We are ecstatic to make this momentous announcement and share our joy with our patrons who can now relish the finest movie-going experience in town at our newest five-screen multiplex.”
He added, “Miraj is rapidly expanding across India and is set to reach a remarkable milestone of 200 screens by March 2023 in newer cities like Chennai, Jamshedpur, Indore, Jodhpur, and beyond.”
According to the company, Miraj Cinemas is India’s fastest-growing multiplex chain. It operates 178 screens at 58 locations across 14 states and 48 cities.