Harkness Screens has launched a new software platform for screen specification and design called myHarkness. Designed with customer experience in mind, the myHarkness platform provides a cloud-based collaborative environment enabling users to seamlessly work alone or together as a team using a number of tools to create positive outcomes from cinema screen design and specification.
“MyHarkness is the result of more than a decade of investment by Harkness into developing leading technology tools to support our global customers in driving better outcomes from their screen technology investments,” said Mark Ashcroft, CEO, Harkness Screens. “myHarkness builds on those tools creating a cloud-based collaborative platform that will revolutionize the Harkness customer experience bringing them closer to our products and our expertise,” he adds.
Available on Windows, Android and iOS, the myHarkness cloud-based platform integrates Harkness’ leading software tools, myHarkness Calculator, Modeller and Planner into a unique workflow in enabling users to manage new build and refurbishment projects where screens are an important consideration.
Quick and easy to use, the myHarkness Calculator calculates the capabilities of equipment choices and provides recommendations on projector, light source and screen choices based upon chosen screen size and maximum brightness levels for 2D and 3D. It also calculates theoretical operating costs and shows how screen choice might reduce these dramatically.
The myHarkness Planner helps those specifying screens to reduce risk by carrying out complex calculations ahead of procuring screens. From physical screen curvature and tilt through to specifying the physical sheet size, the myHarkness Planner is an ideal tool for ensuring that these key construction design elements and the actual screen specified are correct prior to the project, helping to prevent potentially costly on-site delays or mistakes from occurring.
“Over the past ten years, our first-generation apps have become the de facto industry tools for screen design and specification,” said Richard Mitchell, vice president, myHarkness. “The myHarkness project has allowed us to re-build these tools from the ground up using the late technologies whilst encompassing all the feedback and ideas from our user community such as localisation, so these truly are the tools that the cinema industry needs and wants. The myHarkness infrastructure provides us with a platform to develop a range of modules focused around education, commercial support and fulfilment that will provide our users and customers with a truly unique experience.”
Harkness Screens www.harkness-screens.com/myHarkness