Digital Cinema Initiatives Signs Licensing Agreements for Compliance Testing

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Sun, 10/26/2008 - 20:00 -- Nick Dager

Digital Cinema Initiatives announced that it has signed licensing agreements for compliance testing with technology and development consulting firm CineCert in the United States DMC/Keio University in Japan and Media Innovation Center in Italy. These entities will perform testing to determine whether manufactured digital cinema equipment and products are compliant with DCI’s Digital Cinema System Specification. In October 2007 DCI published its Compliance Test Plan which includes validated test procedures for the DCI Specification including all referenced standards of the Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineers. In a joint statement the member studios of DCI said “These licensing agreements represent an important step in the maturation of the digital cinema marketplace. Through compliance testing distributors exhibitors manufacturers and technology providers will have the assurance that equipment and products have been rigorously reviewed and comply with DCI requirements.” CineCert DMC/Keio University Digital Cinema Initiatives