The Korea Herald reported on Friday that CGV, South Korea's largest multiplex chain, said it will introduce an electronic visitor registration system based on quick response code verification technology at all of its theatres nationwide to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.
CGV's announcement came after South Korea last week mandated QR code-based registration of visitors at bars, clubs and other entertainment facilities across the country, stepping up measures against COVID-19, the Herald said. Those facilities are required to use Smartphone QR code-based entry logs for all visitors to keep records of their personal details.
Under the CGV system, anyone who visits a CGV theatre to buy movie tickets is required to complete a personal authentication process by scanning a QR code at the ticket counter using a Smartphone app and entering simple information on the screen.
Information on the visitor's name, address and arrival time will be stored in the server for four weeks before being deleted automatically, CGV officials said. This information is not visible to movie theatre officials and is only provided to relevant authorities in case of emergency, they added.
Customers making reservations online are not required to undergo QR code authentication, because their basic member information is already entered into the database, they explained.
An unnamed CGV official told the Herald, "In the case of a coronavirus outbreak at theatres, it has been difficult to track down visitors who paid cash to buy tickets at the box office, whereas contact with those who made online reservations is mostly possible. The QR verification system has been introduced to make up for the loophole."
Digital Cinema Report reached out to CGV for a comment but as of now, have not heard back from anyone.