Wim Buyens, senior vice president and general manager of Barco’s Entertainment division, has been appointed as chairman of the executive committee and board of governors of the Advanced Imaging Society. Buyens joined the society in 2014 and has been serving as vice-chairman since 2015.
The Advanced Imaging Society was founded in 2009 to educate and inform the entertainment industry about creating great 3D. As new cutting-edge technologies − such as high dynamic range, virtual reality, high frame rate, ultra high definition and 4K − come to the forefront, these are exciting and challenging times for the entertainment industry. The Society strives to be a valuable tool for advancing the success of 3D exhibitors, studios and everyone involved in the industry.
“To achieve our mission, we assemble the world’s key industry players and opinion leaders to discuss new trends, exchange ideas and know-how, and learn how we can meet the growing demand for premium entertainment experiences,” said Jim Chabin, president of the Advanced Imaging Society. “Barco’s significant technology advancements and its vision on the cinema of the future prove its dedication to our industry. In the past, Wim Buyens has already provided the society with valuable insights − and we are confident that he and his team will guide our members and create a new roadmap for today’s and tomorrow’s entertainment industry.”
“It’s a true honor and great recognition to be appointed chairman of the Advanced Imaging Society,” said Buyens. “Our continuous quest for innovation − and our commitment to the industry − have made us the cinema leader we are today. We’ve evolved from an equipment supplier into a key opinion leader that’s constantly looking for new ways to redefine global cinemas into entertainment centers. What’s more, as a visualization expert, we’re also active in virtual reality, digital lobby, etc. − so we have all the expertise in-house to take the cinema experience to new heights.”