
Magical Glass: Part 5, ARRI

Thu, 10/09/2014 - 13:06 -- Nick Dager

Even by itself a professional motion picture lens feels magical. Each one represents the painstaking work of many dedicated people who put their hearts and souls into the creation of a precision blend of metal and other materials encasing carefully polished glass. For nearly a century, ARRI has been putting quality tools into the hands of filmmakers, including cameras, lights and lenses. The company proudly claims to bet the largest manufacturer of motion picture equipment in the world. And the case can be made – with its groundbreaking ALEXA and other cameras – that no legacy film company has made the transition to the digital era better than ARRI.


Cinematographer Thomas Rist Gears Up

Thu, 08/28/2014 - 11:23 -- Nick Dager

When cinematographer Thomas Rist, geared up to shoot an in-store promotional video for shoe maker London Kate’s Get High on Heels campaign, he used the opportunity to try out the new Schneider-Kreuznach Xenon FF-Prime lenses. The dynamic music video-style promo featured renowned choreographer Ferly Prado performing dance moves on a downtown L.A. rooftop and in the L.A. River Basin.

Magical Glass: Part 2, Canon

Thu, 08/14/2014 - 11:23 -- Nick Dager

Canon was already no stranger to the international filmmaking community when in November 2011 the company hosted a major event at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. Fujio Mitarai, who is chairman and CEO of all of Canon, flew from Tokyo specifically for the event to demonstrate that, in his words, “Canon hoped to be welcomed by the Hollywood filmmaking community and to work together to greatly expand the boundaries of digital cinema.” The history of Canon’s involvement in professional motion picture production is widely known but worth repeating here. In 2007 the company introduced the Canon EOS 1D Mark lll. The camera was designed for the high-end professional still photography market. Sometime during its development the engineers felt that adding the capability of shooting high definition motion pictures would add to its appeal. One Canon executive told me that at that time they were envisioning the camera being used for applications such as wedding videos. But cinematographers discovered the camera and it was suddenly being used for some often un-credited shots in major Hollywood films. Then, in 2008, it was used extensively to shoot the Mumbai scenes in Slumdog Millionaire. The movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture and Anthony Dod Mantle captured the Oscar for Best Cinematography.


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