When FuseMedia of Aspen, Colorado was founded a decade ago, it was among the first companies dedicated to the production of online video. According to production director Chris Macdonald, FuseMedia has been committed to creating "engaging, brand-specific, and emotionally packed" high definition video as a marketing tool for business across the Rocky Mountain West. Now the company has moved into 4K production.
FuseMedia, honored with Emmy nominations for its cinematography and editing work, has an impressive portfolio of statewide clients, including the world-renowned Aspen Music Festival and Aspen Institute.
Since late last year, the Panasonic DVX200 4K handheld has become Macdonald’s primary acquisition tool. He has used it to shoot a series of product and fundraising videos for the Colorado River District, which protects, conserves and develops the water resources of the Colorado River, as well as dozens of projects for the summer-long Music Festival and recently completed 2016 Ideas Festival.
Macdonald had previously worked with both an HDV camcorder and DSLR. “I needed to upgrade, and essentially was looking for a DSLR look built into a camcorder. Enter the DVX200,” he said.
“Beyond the camcorder’s shallow depth of field and pleasing ergonomics, I liked the efficiency of the integrated Leica lens, which as I work largely independently saves me considerable time. The combination of the fixed lens, SD media and battery life hit a real sweet spot for me.”
“The DVX200’s image production can be cinematic, but the camera likewise excels at covering performances and seminars—it’s the best of both worlds,” he added.
Macdonald said that he plans to use the DVX200 on a documentary with a working title of Colorado Art Beat, which will profile ten of the most talented artists working in the state, and also to produce a second documentary about the reintroduction of wolves in Colorado.
The videographer predominantly shoots in 4K, but typically covers performances and lectures in 1080p; he edits in Final Cut Pro X. “The DVX200 is a tool that completely fits what I do, which is consistently diverse,” Macdonald said.
FuseMedia www.fusemedia.tv
Panasonic www.panasonic.com/broadcast